Does an LLC Protect a Sole Proprietor from a Tax Warrant in Kansas?

Forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC) can offer certain protections to business owners by separating personal assets from business liabilities. However, when it comes to tax warrants in Kansas, the extent of this protection can vary based on several factors, including the type of taxes owed and whether proper corporate formalities are maintained. This article … Read more

Does Alabama Charge Tobacco Tax?

Yes, Alabama charges taxes on tobacco products. The state imposes excise taxes on cigarettes, cigars, and other tobacco products to generate revenue and promote public health by discouraging tobacco use. Alabama Tobacco Taxes 1. Cigarette Tax 2. Other Tobacco Products (OTP) Tax 3. Tax Collection and Payment Purpose of Tobacco Taxes Compliance and Enforcement Additional … Read more

What is a state tax lien?

State tax lien is a legal claim placed by a state government on a taxpayer’s property due to unpaid state taxes. It serves as a security interest for the state to ensure the collection of back taxes owed by an individual or business. The lien gives the state priority over other creditors and can affect … Read more